What's KDAP "GiaFantasou?
The KDAP "GiaFantasou" is a specially designed and certified space by the State with the object of creative exploitation of children's leisure time 5-12 years of age.
What is the purpose and objective of the KDAP "GiaFantasou"?
In the "GiaFantasou" KDAP we consider important to offer to the children a program from a set of activities that will enable them to receive all the appropriate stimuli they need to broaden their horizons.
Our aim is through educational, interactive and at the same time fun activities and always with the guidance of specialized and experienced staff to give children the opportunity to unfold their imagination, develop their creativity and discover learning through play!!!
Our goal is to generously share our love with the child and ensure an environment that will activate to the maximum extent his spiritual, emotional and psychological development... always taking into account the wishes and needs of your own child!!!
Free registrations via ESPA
Parents who are beneficiaries of the "Harmonization of Family and Occupational Life" action can register their children in the KDAP completely free of charge.
The main elements of their choice are the family income, the employment situation (workers, unemployed) and the family situation. Detailed on what are the conditions required to be a voucher beneficiary a parent can search either on the official website of the ETAA ( http://www.eetaa.gr ) or contact us for more detailed information and for the timely submission of your supporting documents.
Registration and participation of non-beneficiary voucher children in the "GiaFantasou" KDAP according to the needs of the parents.. (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)